Tool Wish List

In researching this guide it was great to discover the breadth and quality of free, open source tools available. However, there are still a few areas the software development process that could be improved with the right tools. We write this wish list in the hope that it may inspire development and may provide use cases to help improve current tools.

Server Tools

Projects such as have greatly helped software development by providing standard software development tools already set up and ready to use. We have realised that a number of tools could be added to those already available.

Table 13. Server Tool Wish List

CVS High
Email lists High
Bug Tracker High
User ManagerManagers PMC members, committers, debuggers, users of a project. Automates adding, deleting after a period of inactivity, changing passwords etc.Low
IRC LoggerMonitor a project's IRC channel are archive for future web access and searching.Low
Continuous Build tool like Cruise Control. High
Code Coverage tool. Medium

Client Tools

Table 14. Client Tool Wish List

Requirement TracingSee
Open Source Refactoring Tools Medium
Open Source WYSIWYM editor for Simple Docbook files.Providing similar functionality to XXE. XXE is no-cost, but not open source.Medium